
A fruitful day in a weird sort of way!
Got washing dried 7 have managed to catch up with myself in that department
Then hubby, dogs & I headed of to Kilmun near Dunoon as I had a bit of research to do for a presentation I am giving at the weekend. Think we spent over an hour in the Kilmun graveyard looking for various headstone. AFter locating most and finding a few other interesting ones, we were parched so head off to Dunoon for a coffee! Landed at a wee cafe just past Huntes Quay which I used to frequent some years back when it was owned by an American lady who sold all sorts of American goodies and where I stocked up on Hersheys chocolate.
Today we arrived there about 4.40 and managed to secure two very good cups of coffe & a panini from the tired harassed young lass who was lovely and did her best. So there we were sitting quietly supping our nice coffees when in strode what was obviously the owner (not the one I used to know) she headed for the till & began counting her greenbacks then without even looking up said to me "were closing in two minutes" somewhat staggered as it was still only ten to five! I said to her "would you like us to leave! at this point hubby tried in vain to hide behind his coffee cup as he could see the red mist rising & a cold front approaching!
Anyhow she ignored me so I sat down & was deliberatley taking my time to see what this Ayatollah would do. In the meantime a stupid yoof who should have known better tried ordering a coffe and again withous so much as a glance she said "were shut". Anyhow scardiey hubby wanted to leae & sit in the car to finish his grum so we left, Well she was afurther 2o minutes before she finally shut up shop!! Welcome to Dunoon not! The wee lass behind the counter was suitably embarrased at this ladies bad manners but could do nothing!
If she doesnt like people this haridan should shut up shop! Next doors newsagent wasnt much better for when I went in to get my ferry tickets the lass could barley take her eyes or hands off her mobile phone to serve me!
I won't be returning to either!

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