Rob Groucutt

By robgroucutt


Feeling philosophical today. Five years ago, I lost someone very important to me. Metaphors about 'leaving a hole in your life' keep cropping up in these circumstances as often as the phrase 'will never be filled'. I think the focus of this is wrong.

In the case of the picture - this is a bass trap in a recording studio. The holes are specifically placed to 'tune' the trap into isolating specific frequencies. Therefore the presence of the holes is essential for the trap to fulfil its purpose. It's still a piece of wood at its core, but its ability is different.

I don't think we're much different. I believe we should embrace our inevitable absences, grow from them and ultimately become something new; something possibly even better and stronger?

I may well be just rambling but it seems to make sense to me. Anyway, I spent the day making music and now I'm off to drink wine and rehearse some more. A pretty fitting day for the occasion.


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