Off Centre

By RachelCarter


It's wet again/still/some more

I woke up to some lovely reactions to yesterday's blogpost about Asperger's.

I've spent a lot of the day trying to respond to and thank and interact with everyone that sent me a message or a comment in various places and in various ways. It's been really lovely and just what I needed. The best thing about it is it's made some other people think about themselves too - and I've made a few new friends and contacts with people have who have an idea what it's like to be me. It's all just so positive.

Despite her stinking cold that's been going on for far too long and making her feel really lousy, Gemma's been really excited and happy this week. She's got herself all the stuff she needs to start tattooing and can start doing it for real soon. She accidentally put the home address as the delivery address instead of Crediton so Richard had to drive her and her cabinet down there today. It was good though, he got to meet her boss and see where she works and is impressed with both. Although she's 19 now she's still our baby.

After lunch we went for a walk on Braunton Burrows with Tess and the dog. It was very very wet. Whole swathes of ground have become bogs, lakes and rivers. The weather was generally dull and drab and not photo weather. It was fun though.

I'm feeling happy. I know happiness pops its head in and out and never stays for long so I'm making the most of it and making it feel welcome.


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