
By Wendywoo2

My little corner of the world

Welcome to my little corner of the world!!
To some it may look like a cave, to others a cell or to some a hovel. But to mean this is my little home from home that I have been holed up in for the past few days. It has taken 8 years (yes 8 for such a small room) to get this room just right for me to be able to concentrate and work in. I know it seems like excuse after excuse but for me to be able to work productively, be motivated and not be easily distracted, the room and it's vibe needs to be right.

So after many years and many purposes for this room my hubby and I have finally got it right. We have a space we can now both use. I know it may seem a little excessive to have two computers but one is a MAC for my photos, music and his traktor dj equipment and the laptop is a work one that I need for my dissertation so I can work and not lose anything.

This was suppose to be the nursery and it has taken many years (painful at times) to accept that this space is now only to be a library come study come dj mixing room. But I finally have it organised where I can work productively and the last few days I have done loads. So I may treat myself to a few days off now at the end of the hols for myself and my photography.

Some may notice that George snuck into the photo at the bottom and that's her trick pose of 'rub me' and then attacks your hand.

On a lighter note I cheated today on my hairdresser with a new salon!!! It felt like I was having an affair!!! But it was a much more enjoyable experience than my previous hairdresser!

I am just settling down to watch Miranda as there is nothing on tv and watching that makes me laugh until my sides hurt! Such fun!

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