A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Just before I said goodbye

The twins were in their little fluffy jackets ready to go out with their Mum. My brother told us to hold on, ran off, and then returned wearing a fleecy hooded poncho (don't ask) and got on the floor with the boys.

I have nearly a thousand photos from our 3 days. Have spent a couple of hours sorting through them and it's made being away from them harder. I know that the extra adult (and the bonus (???) teenager) has helped just a little and I am fretting over the impending lack of sleep for Mummy and Daddy. Grandma arrives next week, so that will be an enormous help again, and travel plans have already been made for the Easter holidays. Seems such a long time away.

I have, as a typical teacher, set some targets for the twins;
* sleep
* eat well
* start weaning
* roll over unaided.

I expect to see progress!

Miss you all already, driving home was hard :-(

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