All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ready, steady ... bowl!

Although Ethan still isn't 100%, he's loads better than yesterday so I decided business as usual should resume today.

So off to his swimming lesson he went this morning, which he enjoyed. Then a walk over to The Centre to pick up his cousin Ava's birthday present. I did feel a bit sorry for Ethan though cos each thing he asked if we could do, I replied "no" to - no we can't go to play crazy golf, no we can't go to the cinema, no we can't eat in the café, no you can't have an ice-cream, no you can't have a new toy plane etc, etc! To be fair to him though he took it quite well so I think he was chancing it a bit.

Home for lunch then off to nursery this afternoon. He returned from it with yet another birthday party invite! Think that's the 7th this year so far!

Although he coped well with swimming and nursery, I think it was all a bit much for him today and he was exhausted when he got back. We had some massive tantrums from him and he really played up at dinner time. He ended up asking to go to bed really early and was sound asleep in bed by 6.25pm! Hope that doesn't mean he's up at silly o'clock tomorrow as a result!

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