
By cowgirl

Til the cows come home ...

Or rather ' go home ' in this shot as these are the last few cows just leaving the parlour and heading back to their shed for the night.

I headed down to Dorset to have dinner with Lou and James this afternoon. It rained horribly and got foggy on the high ground. Also, the village before them is shut off ( since Christmas ) as the floods have made a house so unstable that it has been condemned. It's a very narrow road through the tiny village, so it's been closed in case passing traffic causes the house to fall down. Anyway, managed to get to the farm via a diversion, but only in time to see the last cows leaving.

The horses, dog, cat and dinner all lost out to this shot!

The drive home was even worse than the one out there, but I made it safe and sound. I'm ready for bed now. Sorry for the lack of commenting, I'll catch up soon.

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