
By elk922

Pump for a day

Today I felt like I crammed so much into one day. I woke up this morning and worked out, read some, and had what felt like a whole day to myself before I even had to leave for work. I felt like it was non stop the whole time. I probably saw 14 patients and after awhile it does get tiring! I remember this feeling happens all the time in outpatient settings and makes me question if I will be able to sustain it long term. The patients suck a lot of energy and drive out of me, so by the end of the day I'm so tired and ready to come home. Dr. Deeb always tries to teach us something in the evening but I'm so tired I start to shut down. It's just not the best learning time for me, I'll try and push thorough because I know that he means so well by taking time to teach, but it is hard for me. I'm a morning person through and through, it's a little crazy
Today I got hooked up to a pump to see what it was like and to be able to educate people about it in the future. I can't imagine what life would be like with type 1 but I am so incredibly grateful that I am healthy. And that this pump will get returned tomorrow.

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