A thousand new paths

By acc

Pond 2.0

Unfortunately my camera batter ran out after only two shots today. So I didn't have a lot to choose from! This is the second version of our garden pond. Some sharp slate fell into the first one, piercing the liner. A patch didn't work so a new liner had to be put in. I like having a trickling water sound in the garden. It is restful.
Today I have had to finally succomb to this virus. I was awake at 3am with this sore throat and cough and realised that I had to take the nurse's advice from yesterday and get some rest. So I emailed work, turned off the alarm and went back to sleep. Not what I wanted to do after only three days in my new job but you can't help when you get ill I suppose.

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning how to dance in the rain. Algie

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