The Wilsons

By WendyWooWilson

It's a beautiful day.

As I sat down to type this, Micheal Buble came on signing 'It's a beautiful day'. Well, it most certainly is.
JimJam was a bit quiet this morning, but I think she was warming herself up for the afternoon. We've had lots of sitting up, and we decided to 'watch' a film, but I didn't hear most of it as she was giggling all the time. Proper giggling like she used to. Pure music to my ears. In fact, the nurses grabbed our lovely consultant as soon as he walked through the door to tell him how she'd been. His words were something along the lines of 'you can clinically tell how well as child is just by looking at them.' One of the other Drs apparantly came out of our room and commented 'I love going into JimJams room as it makes me feel good about my job.' Lots of lovely comments today.

I just feel we have turned a corner today. The morphine has gone down today to a quarter of what we were on at the highest point, we aren't on any IV antibiotics, we are back on penicillian which is a dose for life, The steroids have been halved yet again, and we are back using JJ's food tube. Ok, it's a test doseage of dioralyte, but it's better than nothing.

We know better than anyone that all this could change, and JJ will throw another curveball at us, and baffle us yet again, but when our consultant smiles, I smile too. I shall hang onto this day. JimJam how I love you so much. You've battled through two Bone Marrow Transplants, and various operations and various conditions and always with a smile. Dr Colin gave me such a lovely compliment today about the whole situation, but it's not me he should be praising darling, it's you. You've kept me going. Thank you.

Chocolates, G&T and a mag delivered from a friend just topped the day off nicely. Cheers!!!!!!

This is JimJam after a very tiring day. Happy and content.

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