Sunset at the stones

DDW's Alphabet Challenge Day 20 : S is for

Showers of rain greeted us and streaked down the windows as we supped teas and coffees this morning. Sigyn, Talisker and Evie seemed to hardly notice the rain as they sploshed and splashed through the streams and puddles, stopping to sniff and squelch in the mud.
Off to work on the outskirts of Stromness, a view of the sea from the Swain's house before I secreted myself in the shower room and siliconed the seams between the tiles. Then it was time to build the shower enclosure. Should have been simple, but it took forever. It is sorted now.
Another customer to see on the way home and then a stop by the Stones of Stenness to get a blip for today. The light and the weather were perfect for this shot, across the massive stones and looking towards Hoy. These stones are on the way to the Ring of Brodgar, which HV blipped yesterday....
It is good to be home again :)

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