Right now im sittin' out here watching airplanes

When I was younger, my mate and I used to climb aboard our bikes and cycle along the B746, oblivious to the traffic.

We would stop at a Layby opposite Hobsland Farm, and have our "emergency rations", and after waving wildy at cars for a while, we'd climb back on board our bike and finish our cycle to Prestwick Airport.

At Prestwick Airport, we would leave our bikes, unchained at the side door and wander in. Once inside we would wander around, gazing in envy at all the travellers; business people, holiday makers, families leaving for long journeys.

Then we would climb the stairs to the viewing gallery and join the hoards of people hanging over the side of the balcony waving farewell to friends, or the plane spotters with their radios who announced to everyone which plane was coming in, which plane was leaving, which pilot was flying which plane. It was a great afternoon's entertainment.

I was at the airport today.

I can't make this photo any better. This is what it looks like. It's grey and dismal, and there is no one there. Around the corner from this are the check in desks. I think there are 30. Not one of them was open.

There were four people sitting in Starbucks. I think they had walked from Prestwick town - they certainly weren't travellers. There were no planes going anywhere.

The Scottish Government bought it from the last owners for the pricely sum of £1.00. This was in the knowledge that much money required to be spent to bring the airport up to date and boost business.

Why was I there? Representing my company as part of a forum for the local businesses offering our points of view as to what could be done to made the Airport work again.

I was really there to listen, and listen I did. It was quite an eyeopener. People really don't like Ryanair who currently run the four flights per week. But they loved the Ryanair flight to London which they stopped, despite it being full to bursting at least three flights a day up and down.

One suggestion was knock it down and start again.

One suggestion was,"embrace the 70's glory and make it a shrine to the 70's - keep the swirly carpets (and yes there are swirly carpets); Put Boeing and PanAm Posters Up... Open a museum with assistance from the Aerospace manufacturing site across the runway. "Dress the staff in red uniforms with hats, and high heels." Hmmm.

As I left the forum, I stood for a minute and looked around - behind some displays of "Local Art", I spotted the old pathway to the Viewing Deck... On the walls, are Boeing Posters. They don't actually have to do anything. It is a shrine to the 70's.

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