Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

That Would Be An Ecumenical Matter, Bishop..

My Man Mervyn, the local C of I Reverend.
As I type, we are having a pint together (in fact, our third, or is it fourth? Who cares, God is on the side of one of us...and he hasnt bought a round yet..)
Topics Of Discussion so far...
"...and then I said to The Bishop, no fancy white boots!!!!!HAHAHAHAHA
(Protestant humour eludes me most of the time)
The aforementioned Reverend bonding with a dirty blues band in New Orleans on "Obama Night"- he and the bandleader share a name, Mervyn, and this led to a certain amount of Stage-Calling Confusion...
The architecture of pre- and post- Reformation Cathedrals....
The Theory of "Jesuits as Gods Stormtroopers".....
The Architecture of the bargirls posterior....
Chicago music bars with a capacity less than 100, in order of Bestness....
Whether rust-red would be a good colour for the Rectory's gutters, or....
And he's just parted company, leaning me struggling to remember the exact Bede quotation that he left hanging in the air, like side-mouthed cigarette smoke...
Help !!!it went "Both I and Thee are Strange".....

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