There wasn't very much springy about me this morning. Turns out that even the small amount of sorrow-drowning I did last night is too much without a proper dinner... So, a slow, headachy morning...
Later, restored by time (which CarbBoy told me wisely the other day was the best medicine, though since this was in response to my complaining about having had sinusitis for six weeks he may have meant thyme), there was much to get on with: classes to prepare for school, yet more tedious accounts things to deal with (though since these ones trigger prompt salary payments for staff they couldn't really wait!), more car-related stuff, flight research for a July trip to Scotland that has suddenly been added to our packed holiday itinerary. It seems that gardening will have to go on hold for this year, since I will be away for 10 days of the seed nurturing time and a good chunk of harvest time. Ah well, I'll just hurl lots of flower seeds out and see what survives. Let's call it green "water-lite" gardening...
Tomorrow I am determined to get some DIY stuff and garden stuff out of the way, then prepare all the food for the weekend in advance so I can spend what is forecast to be a sunny two days in the garden with Mr B doing not very much at all. Bliss...
The photo, in case it's not obvious is a flower. Just showing itself off a bit in the almost sunset light.
Oh, and yesterday is backblipped.
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