A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Well look who I was able to spend my lunch hour with today!

It has been a weird week in the life of this PhD student. Having thought I was making gains at the start of the week it felt a bit two steps forward, three steps back yesterday. Only to then be told I am doing a good job. Really, the mind boggles!

However, had anyone told me a year ago that I would be a) doing a PhD b) organising & leading meetings and mailing & phoning senior OTs all over the country... Well, I probably would have told you to stop being silly. Yet, while the practical 'project management' aspects are still very much out of my comfort zone, I am aware that these are the skills that will stay with me the longest.

That said, I'm looking forward to some time dedicated to reading & writing next week :)

So this morning I was out and about for a meeting (a meeting to plan a meeting, no less!) which was great for numerous reasons. Making progress being one. However, the feeling of the sun on my face and wind in my hair while walking from the station was wonderful - it's starting to feel very much like spring is about to...spring!

And as for being able to have lunch with this lovely lady in between my trains? Well that was just a treat :) Both in the mood for chocolate we made a quick trip to John Lewis (as one does...!) and picked up this little box of Hotel Chocolat eggs & soldiers.

Thankful for lots and now looking forward to a wee day off tomorrow :)

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