A day of mixed emotions

Today was the last day for my seniors. I was saddened by how many arrogant, selfish and self-centred children I teach. Not so much as a thank you for teaching us or an acknowledgement of how much hard work we put in for them. I don't expect gifts and cards. Kids have normally grown out of them when they leave Primary school. In saying that, several students did give me a card and one gave me a box of chocolates, which was an unexpected but pleasant surprise.

No, it's just the lack of courtesy that gets me. My parents instilled in me an intrinsic sense of values. You say thank you to some one who has helped or supported you in any way. You acknowledge them. You don't spend your last lesson with them with your back to them, ignoring them, ignoring the work they have put in to make your last lesson a success.

I know I shouldn't be surprised. It just seemed more pronounced this year. It's a shame because all the kids I teach are basically good kids. I just wonder where we're headed if there is such a lack of awareness of others among the good ones. What is the world going to be like in 10 years' time when these ones are having children?

Anyway, it was an emotionally charged day for them. I suppose they don't realise that it's emotional for us teachers too.

Some sweet kids rescued a baby bird with a damaged wing. It didn't really stand a chance. I gave it a refuge in my office where I checked on it from time to time. Eventually, as I knew would be the case, I found it dead. The kids were sad. So was I.

Cousteau remains my rock and my motivation some days. I love his 'catalogue' pose in this shot. He could advertise Nutrience (not that he eats it). His bunny has now lost its eyes and nose but retains its ears. I wonder how long for.

I'm very tired.


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