Desert Squirrel

By PolS

A long time to wait

There has been a lot of frustration around earthquake repairs, or lack of them, in Christchurch. A few weeks ago, people living down the road from us stuck some huge letters on their roof that read 'Southern No Response'. Southern Response is the government-owned organisation that is responsible for dealing with all the insurance claims from failed company, AMI, that was bought out by the government. As you may gather, Southern Response is now almost less popular than EQC, the government-owned organisation responsible for the first $100K of earthquake claims. Neither organisation gets high marks for customer relations.

So this morning, we were intrigued to see this new art work on a house in Monks Bay. Seems like another unhappy customer.

I did make a brief visit to Hart's Creek, on Lake Ellesmere this afternoon, and here are a couple of the shots from there.

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