Baby Blip Meet

I headed to Sainsbury's after dropping Minnie at her nans and did a bit of a shop ready for Susi and Violet coming to see us.

Nanny loved having Minnie - she ate all her porridge (minnie not nanny!) with apple and had a lovely kick around

I came home and by the time Minnie had her nap Susi arrived. It was so very lovely to see Violet in the flesh as most of the time we get tosee her progress on Blip and Instagram. She is so very bonny, chatty and smiley. The girls gave us chance to eat our lunch too which was good. Minnie showed off all her rolls and tumbles to Violet, little show off that she is :)

The afternoon flew by.On the evening after Minnie's nap I read the book to Minnie that Violet and Susi bought for her - we both thoroughly enjoyed it :)

Looking forward to our next catch up

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