Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

A day of two halves

If there is one thing you can count on to be totally accurate, that is the Swiss weather report - even more reliable than their trains! Today the forecast was for sunshine in the morning but snow coming in by lunch time, which is exactly how the day turned out.

It was a glorious morning with blue skies and sunshine, as can be seen in this image. We have hiked across the ridge of the peak in the foreground many times in the summer, and if you look carefully you can just see a faint trail at the bottom of the peak which is the ski path leading back to the village, through the trees below. In large you may also be able to see some snow flakes in the blue part of the sky, as despite being sunny there were already some flakes whirling around.

By lunch time it had dramatically changed with heavy skies, snow and no visibility. The visibility was so poor that I chose to take the gondola back down to the village rather than ski the 9km home, as I could barely see anything in front of me. What a change from the morning!

Now I have to pack as it is back home early tomorrow morning....

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