Happy Valley

By HappyValley


DDW's February 2014 Alphabet Challenge Day 21: T is for...

More stripping...More sanding...more face licks from the dogs...because that is really helpful, isn't it ;)

Then a walk out on the hill with them, where they run around together in the deep heather falling down hidden dips and holes. These turbines live on Hammers Hill, near Evie - Where Evie the Wonderdog came from. Surprised this shot came out OK considering the zoom and the difficulty in holding the camera still in the strong wind. I like the moody grey sky and the turbines illuminated by sunshine against it.

Tonight, Miss Emmy and Silverbeard are joining me and Porridge Wog for a wine or two. Looking forward to seeing them :) Unfortunately our home made wine wont be ready for a week...It is busy fermenting away in a cupboard just now. It's very exciting...

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