Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat


Toby was desperate to see his cousins whilst we are in Shropshire. Craig said he would come over 'about 10am' with them as my sister is in New York. Every couple of minutes Toby was asking what time it was or 'Is it 10 o'clock yet' as there is no 'about' in Toby's world. No grey areas, no margins- just black and white! Toby and Luca disappeared off outside to tend their farms. They're thick as thieves those two. Finally we coaxed them in for some lunch which also involved a 'Who has got the biggest mouth' competition. Luca has lost his front teeth and was proudly showing off the gaps.

Eva enjoyed playing 'pinch the dummy' with Eliza. She was giving it back but not so good at getting it back in Eliza's mouth!! They both had the same dresses on too - so sweet. Arty came over after lunch and entertained us on the 40 year old organ with his daddy and Eva had a bit of a dance. Eva is rapidly catching up with Arty who has always been much bigger. Think she has had a growth spurt since they were last together.

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