Stressed & traumatised............................

.............................Ann that is.......................... Not me. I’m just a bit sleepy.

So, after being bitten by a dog on 6th February and Ann discovering that my ear had swollen up on 13th February; I finished my antibiotics last night and my ear was still swollen up and felt all squidgy and it also hurt when Ann touched the underneath bit. So off we went to the vets again!

The vets had an emergency so we had to wait for a bit, but I was extremely well behaved. I was waiting next to a cat and I didn’t even attempt to chase it. The cat’s owner was well impressed by me.

And then, when I saw the vet she was impressed by me too. I was ever so good when she listened to my heartbeat and took my temperature. Anyway to cut a very long story short, I had to stay in the vets to be sedated and have my ear drained of all the yuk that was in it. Ann wanted to stay with me but the vet told her to phone at 1.30pm to see when I could be picked up. Well, Ann phoned at 1.30pm on the dot and I’d only just started being operated on, so Ann was told she could pick me up at 4.30pm.

I’ve got to wear this stupid collar thing. I don’t like it. Ann took it off me for a while so that I could eat my dinner and have a drink. But I didn’t want my dinner because I’m hoping that Ann will grate some cheese on top of it later or a drink. The vet thought I might want a wee & poo before I came back into the house but I didn’t. Haven’t had one since about 8am this morning.

I’ve just been flopped down asleep. I can’t even sleep properly. I often lie on my side but with this stupid collar thing on, I can only lie on my tummy???

Ann is totally stressing about me. She’s having to drink wine & she was having a non alcoholic February!!! She phoned very lovely BLIP vet, Padstowbabe and asked her a load of probably stupid questions that she hadn’t asked when she picked me up.

Anyway she has been suitably reassured that I’ll be OK.

I’ve woken up now, so Ann is going to take me into the field, next door to our house, in the hope that I’ll have a wee & poo. Then she’s going to grate some cheese on top of my dinner (because cheese is my most favourite treat in the whole world) and she’s going to take this horrid, horrid collar off me for 5 mins in the hope that I will eat my dinner and have a drink.

................And then we’re going to snuggle up and watch ‘soaps’ for the rest of the night. YAY!!!

PS – If Ann stops feeling squeamish she might blip all the stitches in my ear tomorrow. LOL.

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