
Going to the cinema is something we love to do and I am rather excited to learn that A Christmas Carol and Avatar are coming here in their 3D formats over the next two months. Today however we settled for 2012. It was as expected from Emmerich: big, dumb, borderline-entertainment. It did however (as is also expected from Emmerich) boast some seriously impressive visual effects, the best of which involved John Cusak frantically trying to drive his family out of town as the whole place imploded. It was worth the admisison price alone for that bit.

What wasn't worth the admission price was seeing mobile phone displays light up all the way through, hearing people having conversations on their phones and otherwise, and suffering a 5-minute intermission. Seriously, who does intermissions these days? The quality of the projection was pretty ropey too, especially evident during night/indoor scenes. But, this is Egypt, and such shit is unavoidable as I am reluctantly beginning to accept.

On the way out, a security guard was getting paggered senseless by some idiots and as a crowd put their Friday brainwashing on hold to rubber-neck the fight (What a bunch of fucking reprobates this city houses, I muttered to myself), we jumped in a taxi to grab a bottle of wine and a felucca.

Drifting down the Nile, with Capatin Salah at the helm, we managed to sort out what we're going to do for Christmas. More on that another time.

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