Journey Through Time

By Sue

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The Normal Hill Ski Jump that is as Team House Sparrow did a fine job. Stan's performance landed him the silver medal. Team Crow got the gold once again, but they weren't around for interviews as they were off crowing to anybody who would listen. You just can't shut those darn Crows up!

Lenny made a gesture of good will by not raiding the other team's food source, but I've got my eye on him. The games will be over soon, so I suspect the PNW stadium will be glad to have this little problem over with. We don't want petitions to start streaming in because of his thieving ways. He can't help it. He's a squirrel.

And Team Bewick's Wren has done pretty well in their events. Mostly it's the Hunt and Scratch that they have entered, but we are pleased that they are here, being such a shy team to begin with.

Hope all is well in your corner of the AOG. This reporter is hoping her computer will hold out to the end of the games and the Closing Ceremonies. It should be fun. I suspect most of the major activity will be in Andover Stadium.. I can't wait!

Signing off for now,

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