Happy Birthday the "B's"

Today is MrB's birthday and he is now old enough to vote in the up and coming EU elections. Embarrassingly we didn't work out until yesterday that Mrs B had her birthday nearly 2 weeks ago! - she isn't allowed to vote yet. Happy belated birthday MrsB.

MrB happened to pop by this morning so we were able to wish him a happy birthday personally and Blip him too along with his "small" Eicher tractor. The big one only gets taken out on Sundays and Bank Holidays!

He was at a hunting fair in Salzburg yesterday. He reports one can buy "holiday shoots" for virtually everything, for example an elch in Canada was a bargain at 4,300 Euros (only 3,500 GBP) excluding flights, transport, hotel...... Sadly he didn't have the contact details otherwise we could have bought him an all inclusive package trip for his birthday. We have now put it on the present list for next year.

On a technical note, I always thought all tractors had to have a roll over bar but apparently it only applies to those used commercially. Would almost consider getting rid of mine but on the otherhand knowing my tractor driving skills.....

Early post and back in to the garden while the sun is shining.......

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