
By AfterDark

St. Botolph's Well (Hadstock).

Smooth or Common Newt

Well I think thats what they are.. ?

I nearly over looked this little pond until I saw My mum gently throw in a small pebble .. !!!!! when I asked her why she had done that? she said "I think thats a Newt "...

On closer inspection this little pond was found to be teaming with Newts and In my opinion the males were chasing the females...

the Pictures are a bit Grainy at 3200 ISO with a Polarizer filter and a light breeze causing ripples across the surface .. But I think I will return here soon with Macro Zoom lens... and My Snorkel (just kidding) about the snorkel..

If any locals (LINTON - HADSTOCK) want see these little fellows I have attached a map.. just be cautious as the Pond is also quite close to a busy road.. It can be approached from the church yard..

It's Also my understanding that Newts are A protected species? So I hope that the fishing nets and jam jars will stay at home..


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