Maid in Wales

By welshmaid50

Tintern Abbey Today.

We were up and out early this morning, to go to a model train sale in Monmouth. It was in the Leisure centre not far from the town. I left J to have a mooch around while i went shopping. This was such a better idea than the last time. The town was about a five minute walk with lots of great blip opportunities. I haven't been around the town for quite some time and the first shop i saw was Joules. Now you all know this is my favourite shop so i went in and they had a sale. The day was getting better by the minute. I bought a blouse and two tops, all at half price. I then went around the town and had a good browse. I then walked back to meet up with J about two hours later. I think i've changed my mind about these train sales if they turn out to be as productive as today. Instead of coming straight home we decided to take a drive down the Wye Valley as the scenery is spectacular. We turned off at the Old Station in Tintern, where we usually have lunch, but it was closed so we had a picnic.( we had checked opening times online before we left) A little further down the valley we stopped at Tintern Abbey because i wanted to take some photos. They wanted £3 to park in the car park which is a bit steep so J dropped me off outside the Abbey , i took the photos, and he picked me up and we drove home. I haven't done any history on the Abbey, basically because i am too tired can't be bothered I feel a bit guilty now, as i said before we left that i didn't want to go to a boring train sale. . I spent more than he did, but hey, there is always next time.We are having a Waitrose curry tonight. I am starving.

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