Spinning dough to make paper thin rotli

This street food vendor takes a pancake sized bit of dough, roughly shapes it into a disc and then spins it two or three times to increase its diameter which makes it paper thin. Then he slaps it on the inverted pan and dry cooks it. His side kick turns it over and then stacks it for sale. Rotli is another name for handkerchief or very thin chapatti.

Woken before six by the call to prayer – slightly longer than usual for it is Friday – but snuggled down with a good book till after 9. Mine hostess is away so her mother-in-law is in charge and quite officiously orders the servants hither and thither although when Amita is here they manage perfectly well alone. She very generously sent me off with her driver to look for an exhibition of people making crafts but it turned out to be little more than lots of garden centres showing off their wares which was a shame. However the exhibits were in a courtyard that was filled with huts/houses that are replicas of traditional Adivasi ones in the countryside and their mud walls were decorated with delightful patterns and stories. It rained furiously with thunder and lightning in the middle of the day after which I ventured out to leap the puddles and take a few pictures fairly close to home, finding a huge hole in the ground which was two stories deep and will have 9 stories built on top eventually, cows foraging through the rubbish dumps, pedal rickshaw drivers sleeping in their cabs and street food vendors cooking. I finally ended up where I blipped the rat at the chicken market and then came back through fairly dark and dingy areas where the children were a delight, the goats playful, men in dark rooms plied their trade of gem cutting and mechanics worked with unrecognisable pieces of metal. I bought bananas and oranges from the fruit man's barrow and came home to roost till it was time to venture out again for some food for I had the remaining stitches out today and feel a lot more
comfortable now so think I might eat something more robust than iddlis!
goats and kids and paintings here

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