365 Days

By d200guy

Day 317 of 365: We got a lot done today! First, CJ

Then, we took Patrick in for a pre-school physical and got him all ready for starting Monday. We stopped by the agents to sign some papers on the house, and spent a wad of cash at Target for some much needed stuff. Our household goods are not due to arrive until mid-December, but the first shipment of unaccompanied baggage will be delivered Wednesday.

All in all, the move has proceeded smoother than any other, and that is saying a lot, considering I?ve lived in Europe, Central America and Asia as well as all over the USA! The day off every other Friday is a perk I am already digging.

And by the way, in today?s shot I show some love to my soon-to-be 4-year-old laptop. I will be passing this off to my lovely wife because I?m cleared to make a visit to the Apple Store next month and get a MacBook Pro!!! Woot!

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