Housewife's Choice

By christilou

Lookin' Through the Window.....

What a beautiful day, no rain at all.... yet :) I've amused myself by taking some pics of Little B using the ooc jpegs from the M. I think this is the Vivid setting. I hated these presets at first but I'm warming to them a little. They can take quite a bit of processing.

Little Ro seems a little brighter these last two days. She really does need to sort her health out before looking for another job. Our GP is referring her to a specialist and has said that they'll probably want to do a bone marrow test...... this doesn't sound good to me but I'm not panicking just yet as we really don't know what the doctor will decide to do. Looking forward to a quiet evening in as we're going out to lunch tomorrow.

I may change this picture later for another, as I can't decide which I like better which is quite typical for me!

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