Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Thank you very much!

So say the stars of Team Blue Jay who were front and center today as the AOG wind down. They nailed the Peanut Glide Competition and then turned in a stellar performance at the Freestyle snow flying. They then went on to compete in the much-anticipated Two-bird Peanut Relays, showing their agility and coordination. (The same can't be said for the photographer, who couldn't quite get the focus right). The only slight misstep came when Jezebel lost her footing and fell off the stage!. However, she quickly recovered and had a quick discussion with her coach before returning to perform, as seen in today's blip.

In other news, Team Mourning Dove, after a slightly awkward dismount went on to have an excellent Snow Jump routine, culminating in a posium appearance for their team captain.

The titmice, being done competing, spent the day enjoying the the other athletes' performances. The only slightly jarring note was that Mufty apparently had a little trouble with her blow-dryer this morning.. Or maybe it was a rough night last night?

I'm taking the afternoon off from AOG coverage as my human friend, Kura, is coming out for a visit, dinner, and sleepover. Prosecco is chilling and the menu tonight is pasta with lox and a cream cheese sauce. Yummy.

Be back later, good people...

your intrepid reporter, signing off...

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