Voorsprong door techniek

But perhaps not today.....

Arriving back at Eindhoven I collected my car from the long term car park and drove about 500 meters until it started lurching along with the engine warning lights lit up like a little Christmas tree.

Parked in the entrance to the short term parking (not very popular with the airport service team or the police but eventually they brought me some cones)

Called the help service and the Audi team called back almost straight away, they were already with another car but arrived with us in about an hour.
Attached a computer to the car to tell us only 3/4 of the engine was working and maybe a spark plug had failed in the last 1/4. after a bit of dismantling they decided it was the the coil pack that had failed - I did not even know what one of those was - it looked like a combination of a Dr Who sonic screwdriver and Dr McCoy's diagnosis gadget off Star Trek.

Luckily they had a (used) spare in the van which did the trick and we got home after only a few hours delay

Great service from the Audi team as usual

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