Wild Sparks .......

By WildSparks

Chicken Love.........

Well today I went to see Margaret early (Dexter behaved today) and then went shopping for the ingredients to make homemade Thai Red Curry.

I came home and prepared it for tea and put the slow cooker and the rice cooker on, I love time saving devices. Ok ....I love gadgets!!!

Then went to the theater to see "The Knicker Lady" was really good, and funny. I did not take my camera a mistake, I find the camera too big to have with me all the time need to sort out the small one to have all the time.

Came home with my friend Paul and house smells of curry. I then remembered no Blip, so opened the back gate to allow the chickens access to my grass verge, there they could have a worm treat........ Well Mr Dexter decided that the gate being open was just right for him to fly past me to the road and run down it to then in full sight of the neighbour coming home ....have a pooh on his lawn. Wonder why the neighbours are not keen on the strange woman with Chickens and that bloody annoying dog!!!

Eventually caught him, Dexter, then managed to get some photos of the chickens. They are called BB, (Bumble Burns, Nutter, Mac and CC, Chicken Chambers). They have all been bought for me by friends for a birthday present so they get to name their own chickens and I get fresh eggs....

I am looking forward to my curry!!

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