
By Nicky1

The things you find!

A bit of an emotional day. Lots of tears and laughter.
Today we cleared out the garage and shed, well I should say my Dad's garage and shed. My mum has already sold 3 of his bikes, she has given my brother in-law 1, my brother has taken a mountain bike and a road bike and there is 3 left! My uncle took 26 wheels, that's right 26 for the cycling club along with boxes of inner tubes, gears, tools... My Dad was a clerk of works and a joiner by trade so you can imagine the amount of tools, saws, hammers, spirit level, rule,chisel,nails,screws. Tonnes and tonnes of stuff all stored and placed in there proper place. And amongst it all I found my sewing machine I got for my Christmas when I was about 6. It is in perfect working condition, immaculate! Why on earth did he have that?

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