
Last night at around 10 pm I emailed a local physiotherapist for some advice about the calf muscle. I expected an email back this morning. However what I actually got was an immediate phone call and telephone consultation which reassured me that I had administered the correct first aid to myself. He is going to see me early in the week and was kind enough to loan me some crutches as weight bearing is uncomfortable to say the least .
Corin found them to be a bit small for his liking !

Afternoon spent on sofa , leg elevated, with a mountain of coursework next to me which kept me occupied for a few hours. Stopped me from fretting about the lack of cleaning and tidying I was doing!

Been out for a meal with Corins family this evening - lovely to see everyone, it's been too long since I have seen Lily, Nicole and Chris. Aunty Barbara on fine mischievous form and Pete, just lovely as always.

Back on the sofa, painkillers kicking in. Am done for today .

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