Thinking of mum

It is a year since my mum passed away and my she has been on my mind in every thing I have done today, but it has not been a sad day. It has been a very special and lovely day – just as I hoped it would be.

The boy and I arrived at Helle’s at 10 am. We trained dogs and had a lovely morning together. Biscuit is looking well today, but he is still more quiet than he usually is and he did not train. He sat with us in the training hall and had lots of cuddles and treats.

At 1.30 pm we left the dogs with Helle’s boyfriend and drove to Copenhagen.

First stop was Vestre Kirkegård, where my mum is buried. I put flowers on her grave and Helle and I went for a small walk and talked about my mum and about lots of other things.

We continued to Tivoli's Concert Hall to see Grease. It was great. Fabulous dancers and a great show. We enjoyed it.

We finished our day with a dinner in a nice Italien Restaurant.

It has been the perfect day to remember my mum – just the kind of day my mum would have loved. If she had still been here and I had told her about it, she would have been very happy for me.

My pictures today:
Top: My mum’s grave. It looks like she had more visitors than just me today.
Bottom left: Helle’s Doggie is learning to cross her paws on verbal cue.
Bottom right: Grease

See you tomorrow
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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