Two's company

While the two bigger boys were playing football, my daughter and young L joined me for a new, less muddy, walk with the dogs. The path led us through a delightful wood where we found this super den, presumably built by other young boys. L had such fun adding to the structure and then ventured inside for a seat, immediately joined by Cara. ..... Bruce meanwhile busied himself digging more holes in search of tasty morsels to eat.

Later the family went for an overnight half term treat at the Lego hotel near Windsor. I joined them for the afternoon and then came back to keep the dogs company. What an amazing place! Everything made out of Lego - obviously - but even the carpets were imprinted with Lego blocks and in the rooms were Lego brick shaped soaps, themed rooms with Lego parrots and pirates watching over the incumbents who happily played with the huge box of Lego. Everywhere you looked in the hotel there were fun things for children to look at and play with - a Lego paradise and a haven for creativity.

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