orange creme...


flower - fully opened - shining in the sun - caught in a moment's glory

as i turned in my house and saw the plant had produced another opened blossom - and no less than that - but was actually showing off for me - in one of the princess diva's sunbeams - i swear - my jaw dropped at the utter beauty before me - i had no idea the hibiscus flower was going to be such a stunner - i'm not certain i've done it justice here - orange is such a difficult color to capture with the camera - especially when sunlight is hitting it i've noticed - but there are also more buds to open - and i might give just them a try as well - they are a bit less risky - for now - this blossom - with arms open wide - reminded me of the orange creme of days gone by - of my youth - the ice cream i used to order which had vanilla mixed in with it - was oh so good - memories mixed with current moments - can only make for...


happy day.....

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