Paperdoll Debris

By jesafly


This is the Auckland Tree Weta / Tokoriro (Hemideina thoracic), their body is up to 40mm long. Waipushrink was sweeping the leaves on the deck and disturbed this usually nocturnal critter. Forgetting about their large, sharp mandibles, I thought I'd be nice and relocate it, out of the sun and sight.

Other than the odd Aussie import, we don't have venomous insects in NZ, so I'm fairly relaxed about handling them (other than cockroaches, because they're just disgusting). I was being very slow and gentle, but it was already cross & feeling threatened (see the back legs raised to make itself look bigger), and then I twitched, very slightly, at the feel of it's sharp feet getting a grip on my hand - so it bit me. I was surprised by how much it hurt, and how much it bled, but a weta's mandibles are pretty impressive so I guess I really shouldn't have been.

It's now relocated into a safer habitat, Waipushrink's leather gloved hand.

I've been very busy with moving, visiting whanau, and work, so I've not posted for a week. But I have taken photos each day (often for non-blip purposes so they're a bit rubbish), and am now all caught up with the following:

Monday - Unpacking
Tuesday - For Repair
Wednesday - Samples
Thursday - Red Cloud Confrontation in Landscape
Friday - More Unpacking...
Saturday - How did that happen?

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