Jax and co.

By indusriver

walk on the wild side

A 'perfect' snapshot of our family out on a hike across the fells. There you see the two older girls off out in front chatting away about whatever teenage girls chat about, followed by the eldest boy who seems to always walk with his hands in his pockets often running ahead - as fit as a mountain goat, next we see the pack mule (or the Daddy), carrying up the food, the drink, the extra clothes while trying to catch up with the young, fast legs of his offspring. Next is Zachary - pausing to look at something that no one else has noticed, figuring it out in his unique way of thinking and slowly either bringing up the rear in a grumbling dawdle or racing ahead to prove a point on how fast he can go. Then there is the six year old, twining her way up the path, a few steps forward, a step back, a moan and a groan and a rush back to me to hold my hand. Of course you can't see me - I am the one capturing moments of it and dragging up the stragglers at the rear but enjoying every moment of it!

It was a bit of an epic walk - in my rush to get them all out I only read the first few lines of the walk description and decided it was right for us all. Except when you factor in the gale force winds and horizontal rain and hail, then any walk becomes a full on adventure especially at the height we gained. Sorry kids!

Still once they got their head around it and the promise of hot chocolate at the end, it was manageable - although now they think they are off the hook for a good walk for a few weeks - little do they know of our plans!!!

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