A life lived backwards

By GailyWhaley

Plan A. Get up for a long walk and watch the sun come up.
Missed it.

Plan B. Take HRH to work and have a walk around town to earn a treat. I walked to Gateshead over the High Level Bridge and back across the Tyne bridge. It was icy cold but I had lots and lots of clothes on.

The next bit of the plan required perfect coordination. To get out of town just after the match started. As the match started at 1, I walked around Eldon Square getting hotter and hotter.
Quarter past 1, I got in the car and drove out of Eldon Garden.

The match must be starting at 1.30 (unless there are adverts on first, like at the pictures)

Have you ever driven through a herd of black and white wildebeest in a red Toyota Aygo?
I think I just did.

Now I'm free....

Lovers locks High Level bridge

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