Car-boot Coinage...

Tomorrow is CB-Day. Car boot sale day.

I've never done a car boot sale but levels of un-used objects in our house has passed tolerable levels and needs to be freed to the general public (for a generous fee of course).

Actually, it's not really about the generous fee, more about the relinquishing free space in our habitat. If the charity shops are open, I daresay some may find themselves with the spoils we don't get rid of.

So I have my float ready, This represents 4/5ths of it, and will be praying to the car-boot gods for clement weather and a bountiful harvest.


This picture is also a candidate for work photo club monthly comp under the theme of 'Depth of Field'. This is a slightly stickler point for me because whenever people mention Depth of Field or 'great DOF' (c'mon, someone's got to do it!!) they invariably refer to a very shallow depth of field as illustrated here. Depth of Field could also be very wide in my opinion so one of the giraffe series is also a contender for entry along with a re-working of the Gummi Bear Blip.

What do yous reckon, any comment on which I should use?

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