Happy Valley

By HappyValley


DDW's February 2014 Alphabet Challenge Day 23: V is for...

Here in the greenhouse, we have a grapevine. When we first viewed the house it had grapes growing on it so I am hoping that it decides to do the same again this year, although at the moment it is looking rather dead...am hoping it is just resting.

It has been a really nice day - calm and dry, which is nice for a chilled out Sunday. The two furry idiots seem to be enjoying life free from the Evie regime. It means they can both be as stupid as they like without being snarled at, sleep in without being wuffed at because it is approaching walk time and both run around playing on walks without Evie barking encouragement in their faces. Don't get me wrong, Evie truly is a wonderdog...She just likes her routine.

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