A Daily Dose

By suejay50


I know technically this is someone else's artwork but I so enjoyed looking at it from the Corn Exchange, Exeter window at lunch time.
Went to see the WCPF Club DPIC Battle today - about 51 west country clubs entered 20 DPI's each and there were some real crackers; very inspiring though to my mind a lot of 'dark' images. Need to get working on that if need to succeed in any competitions obviously as it appears this is the 'vogue' at the moment. Our club did not do brilliantly but at least we took part and being a small rural club we do not have many members who're interested in these sort of competitions so it is harder to get great pics submitted for selection. Sadly in the past year we have lost tow of our 'regular's so again we are limited in selection - BUT that said one member got a HC so we are all dead chuffed!

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