accidental fortuity
Though I am intending to grow it back one day, at the moment, when it reaches the point at which it becomes susceptible to anything other than the piloerector reflex it's time to get it trimmed. The last thing I want is anything which looks like it's had any time spent on it and occasionally an activity such as wearing an hood or an hat might have a lasting effect upon the hair's arrangement, so any attempt to grow it will now be delayed until after the end of February when the likelihood of wearing an hat or deploying an hood will go back to almost nil. My passport comes up for renewal in a couple of years' time so medium-length non-shortness would be handy around that time so that the photo in use for the following ten years will be suitable for both long and short hair. The other reason for not growing it is that "you've got to take care of it if you grow it again", which seems to be due to a perceived lack of attention to it when it was long though I repudiate any assertion that it was ever tangled or greasy. It was washed most days and de-tangled when washed but was generally left to get dry by itself and generally never combed as then it (in my opinion, and it was mine to judge) looked stupid and too-tended.
The other reason for keeping it short during the winter is that however cold it gets it's still quite warm when walking at speed, as was necessary during what I had initially thought would be a lunchtime walk but which turned into a quick scamper with TFP down to another building to a meeting he thought I should be at too when I bumped into him round the back of the office which his calendar had suddenly reminded him of and which mine had forgotten to remind me about. If we'd started walking immediately rather than standing still whilst a desk-situated colleague checked my calendar for the location then we'd have probably been technically on time; as it was we were only about three minutes late and not everyone had reached the room yet anyway. Fortunately it turned out to be reasonably useful to be at. Amusingly, had I not popped to the toilet before leaving the building I'd have beaten the bus back up the road. No lunch, but at least there was some walking. Had I not bumped into TFP after changing my mind at the last minute about which direction in which to walk around the office I'd have gone to the Filmhouse to book tickets for a 15:45 screening which I'd have then been unable to get to in time after returning to my desk and discovering the meeting which I'd have then been at least forty minutes late for.
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