Red, Green, and Blue

By GemmoMC

Hospital Beata Maria Ana 2

I went to the hospital again today. I saw the same doctor, Dr. Zanón. Instead of being friendly like he was the last time- having talked about his musical preference and his affinity towards Bob Dylan- this time he was all business. He prescribed me three types of medicines so I wouldn't come back again. He gave me decongestant (Pectox Lisina), generic paracetamol (aka acetaminophen), and a cough syrup. He said if I still didn't feel better that I go to urgent care the next time. Gosh, I guess he doesn't want to see me again.

Anyway, the hospital I went to was really nice. It's a religious institution, so I saw nuns, Jesus in front garden, and some religious art. It was a great experience. If I can take away one thing from this, is that I got to enjoy Spanish healthcare.

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