One step forward, two steps back

After a tortuous day with JJ yesterday, he went to sleep and slept well.

A bit of a lie in this morning, and was then on top form.

Both the boys ate plenty of eggy bread for breakfast, and then we thought we'd try a walk.

Weather was not a patch on yesterday, so just down to the park.

We'd hardly got 100 yards before he wanted picking up; and that was the way for the bulk of the walk.

He seemed to go downhill very quickly, and picked at his lunch, needed a nap after that; and wouldn't touch his tea.

Coughing really badly again; so expecting to have to change those spiderman sheets back for his pirate ones.

Fingers crossed he'll be okay tomorrow so we can both get into work!

As for the piccie, this is an exposed set of tree routes on the Frome, in Eastville Park.

Difficult to take photo's when a 2 year old lump is being carried on your hip (and yes, my back was sore!)

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