Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Allermuir Hill

Taken from Braidburn Valley park, on a path known as "Fly Walk". It seems quiet, but there are quite a few dog walkers out and about. I am walking back from the shop with a little something to go with afternoon coffee.

Another person who used to used to walk along here was Robert Louis Stevenson, from the age of 15, he would make his way up Comiston Road and along the western edge of the Braidburn Valley along "Fly Walk". At the end of the valley is Cockmylane which carries on up the hill to Swanston Road to Swanston where his family stayed during the summer.

At the south end of the park, the path is signposted “Robert Louis Stevenson’s Road to Swanston and the Pentlands”. Fitting as the house and surrounding hills provided him with much of the inspiration for his stories.

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