Worn out...

Today was an early rise....
Following a tasty scrambled egg breakfast I got to grips with the housework.
Alex was wolfing all day so it was one of those days where I was at a bit of a loose end - especially since poor little Ferguson is adapting to lone-play once again.
Washing in, I set about the bathroom with some old fashioned soda crystals. It took me ages & a lot of scrubbing but the disgusting bathroom is now gleaming! - including the floor!
A polish & Hoover of the landing stairs & hallway followed before heading out the buy a birthday present prior to a party Ferguson has been invited to.
Once home, I sorted out my clothes cupboard, hung out the wet washing, put more in, had some tea, bathed & bedded Ferguson & then managed to snatch an hour watching Bridesmaids before bed.
I noticed whilst I sat there my converse trainers are looking a bit worse for wear... (& tear from canine teeth.....)
A busy rushy about day.... I forgot to polish Ferguson's school shoes though...

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