Viator Fabula

By Heliflyer

Suffering for one's art

I spent most of today indoors which was reasonable during the morning as the weather was low cloud and rain and it was pretty miserable, but it did brighten up later and I hauled my lardy backside out to try and take some photos.

This river is normally a stream, but guess what - lots of rain have turned it into a torrent, and I had a good time taking some shots although it was INCREDIBLY wet and boggy.

Time flew by as it does when one is taking photographs, and I suddenly realised that it was getting rather dark, so I headed back to the car in the semi-darkness.

Well, it wasn't long before I slipped on the ice-like mossy surface and slid down the hill on my backside, getting absolutely soaked in the process. Fortunately the camera was fine.

I picked myself up and used my good old Manfrotto tripod to help me stumble across hill and dale and rock in the dark back to the car.

The things you do for a blip!

I am not sure why we all fall for long exposure shots of water - it's trickery after all. It's not real, but it is beautiful. I shall ponder that for some time.

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